Eight Essential Ways to Best Serve Wine

Ever wonder how to drink wine the right way? This guide will teach you to choose, open, serve, and drink a bottle of wine like a professional! We will take you through 8 essential tips for drinking and selecting wine! 

  1. Inspect the Cork

    Before you start drinking any wine, you should inspect your bottle. Our bottles of Keel + Curley wine use a cork. Be sure to check if it has any damage.

    A bulging cork: this is indicative of heat damage or an incorrectly sealed bottle

    A stuck cork: The wine may not have had enough oxygen, which can affect the flavor

    A soaked cork: When you open a bottle of a red wine, look at the cork. It should be lightly colored from the wine. If it appears to be soaked, the wine may have spoiled.

  2. Opening the Bottle

    To open a wine bottle with a cork, you will need the right tools:

    A corkscrew: Corkscrews come in all different sizes, shapes, and prices! They typically have a metal spiral tip, known as a worm. Use the worm to twist into the cork and pull it out.

    A wine key: this device has a worm, handle, hinged fulcrum, and in some cases, a knife. Most wine keys have a double hinge, so you can pull the cork out halfway, then reset the fulcrum on the lip of the bottle to pull the cork out.

    A knife: You can use a knife to cut and remove the foil wrap.

  3. Use the Correct Glass

    Choosing a the right wine glass for different styles of wine can improve your wine drinking experience. Here is what you should look for:

    Red Wine Glass: drinking red wine is best in a glass with a wide rim and bowl. Pinot Noir + Merlot wine have high tannin content. So, the larger the breathing area of the glass, the better the taste and aroma.

    White Wine Glass: a white wine glass is smaller than a red wine glass. Its u-shape keeps the wine cooler for a longer time.

  4. Serve at the Correct Temperature

    Another factor to consider is serving your wine at the right temperature:

    Red wine: Most red wines should be served between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Add your bottle to an ice bucket or chill it in the freezer for 10 minutes before serving.

    White wine: White wines need to be chilled to about 41-48 degrees Fahrenheit. You can store white wine in the fridge and take it out 20 minutes prior to serving.

  5. Pour the Right Amount

    You should never fill a wine glass to the brim or under pour. It can lead to pour wine tasting or over-oxygenated wine. Here's how you should serve your favorite wines:

    Red wine: Pour half a glass or about 4 ounces

    White wine: Pour your wine one-third full or approximately 3 ounces

  6. Hold the Glass Correctly

    Glassware etiquette is another important part of your wine drinking experience. Always hold your glass by the stem this way, the warmth from your hand does not transfer to the wine. In order to have a stable grip, simply place your thumb, middle finger, and index finger on the stem while gently resting your other fingers on the base.

  7. Sip Your Wine

    Now it's time to drink your wine! To drink the wine, take a small sip and swirl the wine in your mouth to fully absorb the flavor. You can hold the wine for about five seconds, then swallow and enjoy the aftertaste.

  8. Enjoy the Experience

    Wine drinking doesn't always have to be so technical. You can drink wine to savor the flavors, appreciate the nuances, or better understand the characteristics of the wine. The goal is that you always enjoy the wine in your own way!

Drinking wine is an experience for any wine lover. Enjoy the journey and continue learning about your favorite wines! 


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